With quite a few new residents welcomed to our community, we’ve got half an eye out for the future, polishing up our dreams and looking for ways to make them work, and I hope you are doing something similar.
The Residents Committee and volunteers have done a wonderful job at various events and happenings around the Village and I’m sure that I share the gratitude of all residents for this marvellous team of caring people who devote so much of their time to ensure the pleasure of the rest of us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
This edition will expose you to a few fishy tales, introduce you to the art of messing with clay, explain how WoW wowed a group of intrepid travellers, and more. Enjoy!
From all of us at Falls Estate and from BeGroup, may you each have the merriest of Christmases, and may it, and the coming year, be your best one yet!
94 Boundary Road, Tikipunga, Whangarei, New Zealand.
BeGroup Investments LP PO Box 137103 Parnell
Auckland 1051 New Zealand