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Falls Estate Happy Woman


Every week day is “OPEN DAY” at the Village. Please phone 09 437 5844 to make an appointment to visit, view the facilities and any homes that may be available for sale. We can answer all your questions and provide you with an information pack to take away and read at your leisure. Our next public Open Day is Friday 16th August from 1.30 till 12.00 noon. Phone to register your attendance on 09 437 5844


The Falls Estate Whangarei

The Falls Estate lifestyle retirement village provides residents with an active lifestyle and a range of advantages you wouldn’t expect to find in conventional suburban living.

Living at The Falls you’re part of a welcoming, active and friendly village community. Secure in the knowledge that your present and future housing needs are being met, you can relax and live life to the fullest.

The Falls village enjoys an open, resort-like environment, with expansive lawns and gardens. The village is located on the northern boundary of the city, overlooking rural land to the east and adjacent to the Whangarei Scenic Reserve (and the Whangarei Falls), and is close to the Mt Denby Golf course.

Only 7 minutes from the city centre, there is a bus stop right outside the village gates, with buses operating six days a week to Whangarei and Kamo.

For those coming from outside of Northland, Whangarei is a developing city and the gateway to “The Winterless North”. We enjoy wonderful beaches and great fishing, a number of wonderful public parks and gardens, and many fine cafes and restaurants.

If you are interested in finding out more about Falls Estate Properties and Facilities please enter your details to download a FREE, no-obligation guide.

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For more information on Falls Estate call Marie on +64 9 437 5844.